Fitness festivities: 5 tips to stay fit this holiday season

The holiday season can pose quite the challenge when it comes to maintaining fitness. All the parties, decadent drinks, and munching merriment can quickly throw you off track. Here are 5 great ways to help keep you on track to a merry and healthy holiday season.

  1. Never leave for a party on an empty stomach. It doesn’t take much to overindulge and rack up some serious calories extremely quickly if you arrive at a party and are already famished. Chances are the food at home is healthier than what is served at a party, so plan ahead and make sure you have a nutritious and filling snack to help keep your hunger at bay. Don’t forget to stay hydrated both before and during a party as well – it’s easy to forget to drink water during colder months.
  2. Fill your plate with the healthiest foods first. Thinking of loading up on that baked brie and crackers? Don’t deprive yourself, but make a concerted effort to keep the majority of your plate as nutritious as possible. So reach for those veggies and pile on that salad first, then circle back for a smaller portion of mashed potatoes and stuffing. Sometimes a smaller portion of those less healthy foods is just enough to satisfy without feeling restricted from indulging a bit – after all, it is the holidays; enjoy it!
  3. Get moving by starting an active tradition. Getting cozy on that couch sure may be enticing, but make that your reward for getting some activity in. Go for a brisk walk or other shared activity after opening presents, and make it a family tradition. Need a little more motivation? Instead of those matching Christmas pajamas, switch it up to matching Christmas workout apparel – you’ll be excited to break them in and get moving together!
  4. Hold yourself accountable. If you find yourself slacking in the gym department, give yourself a goal for how many minutes of exercise a week you want to fit in. Let’s say you want to put in 2 hours of exercise a week. For every week you reach that total, reward yourself with a little gift. You’re worth it! Not enough motivation? Do this with a friend, and give each other a little gift each week!
  5. Think ahead to your New Year’s resolution. Chances are your New Year’s resolution is health or fitness related. If so, don’t wait until you ring in the new year to get going; start making strides towards that goal ahead of time. It will make your goal feel so much more attainable if you already have a head start. Want to get into yoga? Check out different studios now to see where you might like to begin regularly going after the new year. Want to eat healthier? Start testing out healthy recipes now so you have an easier time diving right in come January.

With a little forward planning, the holiday season can also be both a fun and fit one. Cheers to your health!



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