6 Tips to Stay Fit in 2018


1. Start NOW, not next Monday, or February 1.images

You don’t have to use January 1 as the marked date for getting fit! Just because the first week of the new year has come and gone doesn’t mean it’s too late.

2. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

It’s easy to let everything fall off to the wayside when it comes to working out and eating right during the holiday season. Let’s be honest, I sure enjoyed myself! And we all know it’s much easier to put weight on rather than take it off. However, just because you have a bad day of eating, or even a bad week, doesn’t mean that you should just throw in the towel. Every healthy choice you make is a step in the right direction. Every day is a great day to start towards a healthier you!

3. Don’t skip a Monday, but don’t burn out.


If you are already active, keep going. If you aren’t very active but would like to be, start SMALL with something you enjoy. Commit to 20 minutes of activity 2 times a week. Then add to 3. Then start increasing the amount of activity by 10 minutes per session. Working out will become a habit within just a couple weeks and 2018 will be your best year yet!

4. Shop on the outsides of the grocery store.

Try to stay on the outskirts of the store as much as you can. That’s where your fruits, veggies, and meats are! The inside rows of the store can spell trouble. Just being mindful of where you spend most of your time when you are grocery shopping can make a difference. Remember to EAT! Don’t starve yourself or be afraid of calories. Food really is fuel, so make each calorie a quality one.

5. Try to avoid drinking your calories.

Don’t deprive yourself from enjoying yourself, but also keep your calorie count in check when it comes to beverages. A hot cocoa and a cider plus a glass of wine can quickly add up to an entire meal’s worth of calories. And the worst part is, it’s just empty calories that aren’t even filling you up.

6. Stay social! Offer to bring something.

When going to a party, offer to bring something that YOU enjoy that is still healthy. That way, when you arrive and are surrounded by options that aren’t the greatest for your waistline, you at least have something you know you can have.

Remember, there are no quick fixes for healthy, sustainable weight loss. Just be consistent at least 85% of the time, allowing yourself a little leeway every so often to indulge and you will see results. Don’t stare at that scale, either! Go by how your clothes fit and measurements, because muscle weighs more than fat. I’m rooting for you. Make 2018 your year!

Want to try out my 21 day program to help you see some serious results and get you on the right track? Drop me a line, or take a look here to learn more!

In health,



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