About me

About me? So glad you asked! I am a passionate health and fitness enthusiast, hoping to share my passion and 643878_652978649111_687720876_nknowledge with you with this blog! I am a personal trainer, indoor cycling instructor, a Hatha yoga instructor, Les Mills CXWORX instructor, as well as the group fitness manager of my community’s fitness center. I am an avid runner, cyclist, yogi that dabbles in anything and everything health and fitness related. My race of choice is the half marathon, but recently I have desperately fallen in love with mud races and relay races (and I don’t think we’re breaking up anytime soon!). Life’s too short, why not?!

I wasn’t always a crazy fitness lover, believe it or not! I was always a little overweight growing up. Listen, my parents were chefs – so sue me. Anyways, I was on the golf team in high school (yes, I know, not a supIMG_4463-2er athlete at all). I tried running here and there to stay fit but I hated it completely. Well, I ate my way through my first semester of college and I gained 15 lbs! I had to make a serious change. My boyfriend (now husband) helped me learn to run, I started eating right, and taking those nutritional supplements my mom was always nagging me about since I was a little kid.  I was hIMG_4427ooked once I started losing the weight. From then on, I was determined to continue pursing higher levels of health and fitness. Thanks to a very dear friend and yoga instructor, yoga and I became inseparable. It wasn’t until an ankle injury (due to my own clumsiness in full fashion) that I was sidelined and discovered cycling, which has become my ‘baby’! When my husband’s job relocated us, I decided to switch careers and go follow that passion!

Don’t hesitate to drop me a line 🙂 Happy sweating!



P.S. if you are interested in advertising or sponsoring a class, please go to the “Drop me a line” tab and send me a message. Thank you!

4 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hey Dani! Thank you for sharing at my link up. Your story is inspiring (and told with a healthy dose of humor). I am a total health/fitness enthusiast as well (I’m a health teacher by day) but I’ve never been able to be a solid runner. It just does not go well for me. tips? Thanks again for stopping by!
    xoxo K


    1. Thank you so much for your super sweet words!! I truly do appreciate it. Well, the first thing about being a runner. You are a solid runner. The sheer fact that you run at all in any way, shape or form makes you a solid. runner. Go you! Now, are you looking to increase mileage, or change how you feel about running? I am bursting with information to share, but want to make sure your goals are in line with my tips 😉 Rock on!! Warmly, Dani

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It just feels like its something my body wasn’t designed to do- other runners it seems so effortless. I feel like I’m an elephant stomping down the road! I wish I was someone that got ‘hooked on’ running. I love other cardio! I guess my attitude is the problem here haha


  2. Honestly, it’s rare that I have a run where I DON’T feel that way!! But the challenge is what drives me, because it is so hard for me! My body is anti-distance runner too (short and thick) and there are moments during a run where I feel like I am flying, everything is effortless, and I truly live for those moments. They are fleeting, but so worth it. Just keep at it. Find that perfect playlist, set aside any expectations, and just try to enjoy yourself. Sometimes running with a friend makes it that much more enjoyable too!


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