6 Tips to Stay Fit in 2018


1. Start NOW, not next Monday, or February 1.images

You don’t have to use January 1 as the marked date for getting fit! Just because the first week of the new year has come and gone doesn’t mean it’s too late.

2. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

It’s easy to let everything fall off to the wayside when it comes to working out and eating right during the holiday season. Let’s be honest, I sure enjoyed myself! And we all know it’s much easier to put weight on rather than take it off. However, just because you have a bad day of eating, or even a bad week, doesn’t mean that you should just throw in the towel. Every healthy choice you make is a step in the right direction. Every day is a great day to start towards a healthier you!

3. Don’t skip a Monday, but don’t burn out.


If you are already active, keep going. If you aren’t very active but would like to be, start SMALL with something you enjoy. Commit to 20 minutes of activity 2 times a week. Then add to 3. Then start increasing the amount of activity by 10 minutes per session. Working out will become a habit within just a couple weeks and 2018 will be your best year yet!

4. Shop on the outsides of the grocery store.

Try to stay on the outskirts of the store as much as you can. That’s where your fruits, veggies, and meats are! The inside rows of the store can spell trouble. Just being mindful of where you spend most of your time when you are grocery shopping can make a difference. Remember to EAT! Don’t starve yourself or be afraid of calories. Food really is fuel, so make each calorie a quality one.

5. Try to avoid drinking your calories.

Don’t deprive yourself from enjoying yourself, but also keep your calorie count in check when it comes to beverages. A hot cocoa and a cider plus a glass of wine can quickly add up to an entire meal’s worth of calories. And the worst part is, it’s just empty calories that aren’t even filling you up.

6. Stay social! Offer to bring something.

When going to a party, offer to bring something that YOU enjoy that is still healthy. That way, when you arrive and are surrounded by options that aren’t the greatest for your waistline, you at least have something you know you can have.

Remember, there are no quick fixes for healthy, sustainable weight loss. Just be consistent at least 85% of the time, allowing yourself a little leeway every so often to indulge and you will see results. Don’t stare at that scale, either! Go by how your clothes fit and measurements, because muscle weighs more than fat. I’m rooting for you. Make 2018 your year!

Want to try out my 21 day program to help you see some serious results and get you on the right track? Drop me a line, or take a look here to learn more!

In health,



Folic acid: All vitamins are NOT created equal

folate-vs-folic-acid-1Two years ago, I was unintentionally poisoning myself. I was taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid in it. I know, you’re thinking…”so what”, right? What’s so bad about that? Well, if you have MTHFR, a very common genetic mutation which prevents your body from processing folic acid correctly, it can cause serious issues and complications, especially during pregnancy. My story starts back when I had an early miscarriage last year.

Years ago, my mother asked my husband and I to take a genetic test just so we have the information if needed in the future. It may sound excessive to do, but my family owned a home business specializing in preventative health and this was their newest product at that time. After losing my first pregnancy, my mom dug up my genetic report and looked at the results out of curiosity to see if anything stood out. Two of my MTHFR genes (I know, it sure looks like a bad word, right?), the ones which are responsible for processing folic acid, were defective. This information sent me into a research frenzy on the topic.

Before I dive in, let me be clear; I am absolutely NO doctor or medical professional by any stretch. The information presented below I have learned from Dr. Ben Lynch, an expert in the MTHFR community, and his website. I am simply being my own advocate for my health, being proactive and doing all I can to try to start a family with my husband. My writing this is simply to share my experience, and what I have gone through and learned from it. If that could possibly help the health of just ONE person, then I have done my part in potentially making someone’s dream of becoming a parent come true.

What is MTHFR?

According to Dr. Ben Lynch, “MTHFR is a very common genetic defect that affects approximately 1 in 4 people seriously and nearly 1 in 2 people mildly. The MTHFR gene has a simple, but highly critical, function surrounding how your body utilizes folic acid and other forms of folate. Those with the variant of MTHFR called C667T have a 40% to 60% decreased ability to produce the body’s most active form of folate called methylfolate. Methylfolate is a critical nutrient affecting neurotransmitter production, DNA regulation, immunity and the cardiovascular system. Indirectly, methylfolate affects hormone levels and detoxification” (mthfr.net). The MTHFR gene impacts so many systems because it is in every single cell of your body.

Folic acid is NOT the same thing as folate. It still has to be broken down into methylfolate for the body to use it. For me, folic acid is problematic because it actually blocks the body’s absorption of natural folate and methylfolate. By my taking a folic acid prenatal for several months, I was unknowingly messing up my body’s methylation process. My folate level must have been low since my body wasn’t able to properly break down folic acid and actually clogged up my body’s ability to methylate (I don’t know this for sure because my my lab tests were done after I had already switched to the proper nutrition and supplementation).

What is the difference between folic acid and folate?

I like to explain folic acid like this. Imagine you have pure cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Your body can much more easily break Sources-Of-Folic-Acid-300x185down sugar compared to a synthetic version such as high fructose corn syrup. Folic acid is the high fructose corn syrup; it’s a synthetic form of vitamin B9, and some people just can’t process it. Not only can it not be processed properly, it also builds up toxins within your system creating a snowball effect and causes other systems to not function properly. High levels of un-metabolized folic acid can increase cancer risk and b12 deficiency.

Folate, which is naturally found in dark leafy greens, can easily be processed and effectively absorbed. We all know how important folate is, particularly when it comes to pregnancy. The problem is that people generally assume folate and folic acid are the same thing, which they are most definitely not. And what blew my mind the most was when I went through my pantry and saw how many products with folic acid in them. But more on that later.

What problems can it create?

MTHFR and folic acid can cause low folate levels and raise the risk for a large list of issues and illnesses for the mother; infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, blood clots, postpartum depression, high homocysteine levels (also can cause heart disease, stroke, pre-eclampsia, low birthweight, premature birth and miscarriage). The baby’s health is also at risk for neural tube defects, spina bifida, anacephaly, autism, ADD/ADHD and Down’s syndrome. It is important to note that some people can have perfectly healthy children and pregnancies even with this genetic mutation.

This doesn’t affect just women, either. Men’s folate levels and diet can also impact birth defects or diseases in their children.

My personal findings…

My genetic report showed that I am compound heterozygous MTHFR, which means that I have a mutation in two different MTHFR genes; MTHFR 677 and MTHFR 1298. My defect in the MTHFR 677 gene raises blood clot risk as well as a 40-60% decreased ability to produce methylfolate.

I took matters into my own hands, and after days of research (Dr. Ben Lynch and his website are a wealth of great information) I learned that the best way to reverse the effects of taking folic acid is to cut it out of your diet and supplement with a high dose of pure methylfolate so your body doesn’t have to break it down. I made the switch immediately, and also made sure I was taking a high quality B complex supplement containing methylcobalamin. I also decided to begin taking a baby aspirin to help prevent any potential blood clot issues. Some women with homozygous mutations may need to take more medication (Lovenox or Heparin) than a simple baby aspirin to prevent blood clot issues and carry to term, so it is important to know your own genetic situation. There are SO many different ways to test for infertility and miscarriage issues that are not touched upon here (thyroid function, other genetic variants, etc).

After bringing all this information to my doctor, who was vaguely familiar with MTHFR, he ran a full panel of blood work (folate, vitamin D and B, thyroid, cholesterol, lipid, etc) and agreed that I take a daily baby aspirin. At that point I had already been taking the methylfolate supplement for almost a month. My results came back normal, which I assume was because I was already in the process of fixing the folate deficiency I had created.

I then sought out a MTHFR specialist (I found her by searching here) to help me fine tune my supplementation to reverse any damage I may have done and have a healthy pregnancy in the future. The specialist did a series of tests and additional blood work. We looked at ferritin, cortisol, DHEA, detailed thyroid (TSH, Free T4, Free T3, TPO, reverse T3), homocysteine, BH4, progesterone, iron and TIBC. Everything looked good, and we concluded that I was supplementing correctly and covering all the bases to help optimize my health.

Why is this the first you’ve heard of it?

The first major problem I have come across with MTHFR is that doctors (mine included) don’t understand the difference between folic acid and folate. They use these terms interchangeably. My doctor initially thought that in order to fix the MTHFR mutation, I must supplement heavily with more folic acid to make up for the fact that I don’t process it correctly. WRONG! This is the exact opposite of what should be done! It must be eliminated entirely, because adding more folic acid makes the problem worse. Folate must be supplemented so the body doesn’t have to break it down.

The widespread prenatal advice is to take folic acid.  Women are not aware of the potential problems with folic acid, and the medical community needs to catch up with this information.

What immediate changes could I make to prevent potential MTHFR issues?

Now, I may have gone a bit overboard. I stayed away from folic acid once I put all this information together. I made sure I didn’t eat anything (as best I could) that may have contained it. This means eliminating any enriched foods from my diet. Read the labels of your food in your pantry right now. When I did this, I was floored to see how many things included folic acid! Flour is usually enriched with folic acid, so take a look at your processed carbohydrates such as cereal, pasta and bread. The good news is there are numerous products you can easily switch to. I use an unenriched organic flour for my baking needs. Many gluten free options also work well to switch to.

I immediately stopped taking the folic acid prenatal vitamin I was on and switched to one with pure folate specifically for those with MTHFR. I even added a folate supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamin to help correct the folic acid in my system. I am not selling anything, but I am happy to share with you what vitamin I went on if you send me a message or comment below.

Should I do genetic testing?

If you are concerned you may have this defect, you honestly don’t need to take a genetic test if you don’t want to. You could simply just replace your folic acid with folate in your vitamin and diet as a preventative measure. However, for me, knowledge is power and I Genetic-testing-imagepersonally find comfort in knowing anything that may be a factor in my health. There are so many different processes that can be affected by genetics, so taking an individual approach towards addressing health concerns is paramount. I learned I have a couple other genetic mutations that I also addressed with proper nutrition and supplementation, and I truly believe the combination of correctly supplementing has led to a successful and healthy pregnancy this second time around. Again, I am not selling anything, but I am happy to share with you what genetic test I did if you send me a message or comment below.

More information?

I strongly encourage you to be your own advocate for your health. If you are considering starting a family in the future, I highly recommend both you and your partner evaluate your diet and supplementation even if you don’t have any current health concerns. While there is no way to definitively tell if my first pregnancy loss was due to MTHFR, I can rest assured that for my second pregnancy I have done everything I can to give my baby the healthiest start possible.

A great resource for more information can be found at mthfr.net.

Fitness festivities: 5 tips to stay fit this holiday season

The holiday season can pose quite the challenge when it comes to maintaining fitness. All the parties, decadent drinks, and munching merriment can quickly throw you off track. Here are 5 great ways to help keep you on track to a merry and healthy holiday season.

  1. Never leave for a party on an empty stomach. It doesn’t take much to overindulge and rack up some serious calories extremely quickly if you arrive at a party and are already famished. Chances are the food at home is healthier than what is served at a party, so plan ahead and make sure you have a nutritious and filling snack to help keep your hunger at bay. Don’t forget to stay hydrated both before and during a party as well – it’s easy to forget to drink water during colder months.
  2. Fill your plate with the healthiest foods first. Thinking of loading up on that baked brie and crackers? Don’t deprive yourself, but make a concerted effort to keep the majority of your plate as nutritious as possible. So reach for those veggies and pile on that salad first, then circle back for a smaller portion of mashed potatoes and stuffing. Sometimes a smaller portion of those less healthy foods is just enough to satisfy without feeling restricted from indulging a bit – after all, it is the holidays; enjoy it!
  3. Get moving by starting an active tradition. Getting cozy on that couch sure may be enticing, but make that your reward for getting some activity in. Go for a brisk walk or other shared activity after opening presents, and make it a family tradition. Need a little more motivation? Instead of those matching Christmas pajamas, switch it up to matching Christmas workout apparel – you’ll be excited to break them in and get moving together!
  4. Hold yourself accountable. If you find yourself slacking in the gym department, give yourself a goal for how many minutes of exercise a week you want to fit in. Let’s say you want to put in 2 hours of exercise a week. For every week you reach that total, reward yourself with a little gift. You’re worth it! Not enough motivation? Do this with a friend, and give each other a little gift each week!
  5. Think ahead to your New Year’s resolution. Chances are your New Year’s resolution is health or fitness related. If so, don’t wait until you ring in the new year to get going; start making strides towards that goal ahead of time. It will make your goal feel so much more attainable if you already have a head start. Want to get into yoga? Check out different studios now to see where you might like to begin regularly going after the new year. Want to eat healthier? Start testing out healthy recipes now so you have an easier time diving right in come January.

With a little forward planning, the holiday season can also be both a fun and fit one. Cheers to your health!



5 ways to stay on track for a fit 2016

Is your New Year’s resolution to eat right? Lose weight? Get fit? Run a race? Although January has already come and gone, now is as good a time as any to go for fit! Even if it’s not fitness related, here are 5 great ways to help stick to your resolution and make 2016 a fantastic year of achieving your goals!motivational-fitness-quotes-pictures

1. Keep Track

Keep a calendar so you can check off each day, or a food log, depending on what your goal is. If you’re trying to keep track of what foods you’re eating, use an app (there are tons of free ones out there!). It will help you keep yourself honest and help track your progress! Same thing goes with a calendar: if you are trying to work out 5 times a week, mark off what days you do fit your exercise in and make sure you keep hitting your goals. One day at a time!

2. Have an accountability buddy

Maybe you and a friend have similar goals?! Buddy up and help motivate one another to stay on track  🙂 Everything is way more fun with a friend!

3. Give yourself an off day

The best way to stay on track? To allow yourself to get off track! If you’re working on your diet, allow yourself a cheat meal every once in a while. A meal will not undo all your hard work, I promise you 🙂

inspirational-workout-quotes-swvrmo4x4. Don’t be vague with your goal

Don’t just have your resolution be to “get fit”. Try wording your goal in more measurable terms, such as; I want to lose 10lbs this year. Or I want to reduce my body fat percentage to X%. Just don’t give yourself an unrealistic deadline! Be patient with yourself. You WILL get there.

5. Write it down!

Write down what your actual resolution is, and put it somewhere in your home or a place that might be particularly helpful to see the reminder. Just seeing your writing and remembering what your goal is will help you start and end your day on the right foot!

Remember, whatever your resolution is, make sure that it’s truly something you want for yourself. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Be patient with yourself, and don’t give up. Make 2016 your year!

What is your 2016 resolution? Mine is to eat right, lift weights at least 2 times a week and to work on flexibility!

Happy sweating!



Is your diet holding you back from achieving the results you desire?

eatyourselfwell Let’s take a good honest look at nutrition. Do you think that your diet could be cleaned up? Most of us could do better in that area. Let’s say you’re working out every day, but not eating right every day. Are you seeing results? Maybe. Probably not. Think of how much better your results will be if you pair the gym with the kitchen! You’re essentially undoing all that hard work when you go eat foods that don’t provide any nutritional benefits. Processed food really is a poor excuse for food. It’s NOT FOOD! Your body doesn’t know what to do with it, so it damages it. Is that worth doing? No! Wouldn’t you agree that when you eat clean, you FEEL better? That’s your body thanking you for feeding it what it wants and recognizes as good food.

How do I know what to eat?

When you go food shopping, most of your items in your cart should be from the perimeter of the store. That’s where the nutritional stuff is, and that’s what your body wants. Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy. Of course, there are other healthy foods found within the center isles of the store too. But for the most part, this is what you should be eating. If you want a real eye opener, watch the documentary “Fed Up”. It is fantastic, and will make you not want to eat another processed “food” item ever again. While you’re at it, google “Remove rust with Coke”. Disgusting. Can you imagine how terrible these things are for your body? You may be literally poisoning yourself.

Now, that’s not to say that you are doing a great job by getting active. Fantastic work! However, I’d say that it’s MORE important to eat right than workout. Pair the two, and it’s a match made in healthy heaven.


How do I start fixing my diet?

I absolutely recommend a food log. It will help keep you honest. If you have to write down what you are eating, it will make you reevaluate the foods you choose to eat and buy. If you feel like that is too much work, think to yourself; is my health worth it? Of course! Make the time. I promise it’s worth it. Try this free app: Lose it! It’s super easy to use, and I personally use it every day to help keep me on track.

If you have a hard time getting veggies into your diet, I definitely recommend supplementing with Complete Greens. It’s packed with all that goodness to help give you a nutritional boost your body will thank you for.

These are my yummy grilled veggies! Delish!!

If you want to try a program that is more detailed and specific, I am happy to help! I coach people to kick start their fitness journey through a clean, low glycemic approach to eating, and really helps you learn how to eat right. Take a look at the tab “21 Day Challenge” for a really incredible eating program. Contact me for more info about it 🙂

Stay healthy, my friends!


Vitamins: You get what you pay for


Have you ever wondered how much of those pill vitamins you’re actually absorbing? Did you know you actually only absorb about 10%, 30% at best, of those pills? The x-ray image to the right shows Centrum pills – one of the best-selling multivitamins in the country. However, this x-ray shows a 2 day journey through the digestive system before exiting undigested. Why? Because they’re made with binders, fillers, colors and dyes. Your body can’t break it down those binders and fillers fast enough to absorb it before it leaves you. Many contain artificial colors and hydrogenated oils. Tablets or capsules are simply an inefficient way to deliver your most important nutrients. I’m sure you can agree that you are literally throwing your hard-earned money into the toilet.

Well, what are your other options? Try to eat all your vitamins from the foods in your diet? Good luck with that! It’s incredibly difficult to do that on a daily basis, and can really run up a large grocery bill.

Fortunately, there’s a better way. I personally drink my vitamins. Nope, I promise it doesn’t taste gross and I definitely prefer it over swallowing pills. I’ve been drinking my vitamins since I was 8 years old, and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been sick. I really attribute my health to these fantastic vitamins. They’re formulated using the most advanced and scientifically proven ingredients, providing rapid delivery and superior results. It’s the most effective delivery system, second only to IV. Malic and citric acid along with carbohydrates assist in the absorption of nutrients across cell membranes. I actually did my 8th grade science fair on comparing pill vitamins and liquid vitamins – it made people really think about where they are putting their money.

PictureThe Isotonix vitamin line comes in a powder form which you mix with 2 ounces of water per serving. By mixing with water, it has a very high bio availability when consumed. Each morning, I mix up my nutritious cocktail and sip it on an empty stomach. That’s it! I get almost all my vitamins in one drink (well, not my fish oils – THAT would be gross!), and it doesn’t get any easier than that, right? And don’t get me started; yes, everyone should be taking vitamins! I know you will feel a difference, and the quality is superior to anything else on the market; Non-GMO, gluten free, no binders, fillers, artificial colors or hydrogenated oils. So stop throwing your hard earned money down the drain, make the switch to these incredible nutraceuticals. Your body is the only one you are given and these products will help you maintain and improve the most important thing you can ever have – your health.

If you aren’t sure what to take (multivitamin, antioxidant OPC-3, vitamin D, B-complex, calcium, acai, resveratrol, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, digestive enzymes…the list goes on!), please contact me and we can discuss what might work best for your needs. I’d love to help you find your perfect cocktail. A complete wellness protocol includes a Multivitamin, B-Complex with 5-MTHF and methyl-cobalamin, Calcium and OPC-3 (5 antioxidants in one) costs the same as 1 cup of coffee a day. Take a peek at shop.com and create an account to earn cash on every dollar spent 🙂

Happy vitamin-drinking!



Introducing the TLS 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge!


Have you had enough of dieting? Sick of getting on the scale only to see the same number? Well, fear not! I am so excited to share with you the TLS 21 Day Challenge. Read on if you want to lose weight and get in shape! I GUARANTEE RESULTS!! This program is totally doable, affordable, and is perfect for anyone who is serious about making a total body transformation.

Check out this informative video:

How is it different from other weight loss programs?

The first week of the TLS program is a detox. This is essential for success as it improves metabolism, curbs cravings, and cleanses the digestive tract and liver. Your digestive system can suffer from consuming unhealthy foods and causes poor digestion and inadequate absorption of nutrients. Detoxing kick starts your weight loss!


What supplements are recommended?

  1. NutriClean 7-Day Cleansing System: gently cleanses the colon and liver
  2. Isotonix OPC-3 with Pycnogenol: this antioxidant fights oxidation and free radicals in the body
  3. Isotonix Multivitamin: Delivers 100% of the daily value of essential vitamins and minerals, helping support the body’s ability to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.
  4. TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor: TLS Core assists with weight loss and helps inhibit carbohydrate absorption in the body.
  5. TLS Nutrition Shakes: Delicious chocolate and vanilla shakes that include the optimal balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats along with fiber.

Why are dairy and grains not allowed?

TLS is strict and designed for rapid but healthy weight loss, and dairy and grains can slow weight loss efforts.


What types of foods are allowed?

Vegetables, fruits, lean proteins; the best stuff on earth!

Who will help me achieve my weight loss goals?

Me! I will be your personal coach, helping you each and every step of the way. I am constantly starting challenge groups. Ask a friend to do it with you! Please contact me if you are interested in learning more 🙂

Happy eating!



Strength Training: Why it’s essential for overall fitness

Strength is a fun topic! Personally, when I hear strength training, I immediately think of weight lifting. It should rank high as a fitness goal because it can be directly translated into every day skills. That heavy bag of groceries? No problem if you lift weights regularly. Carrying around a toddler? Strength training can help make that easier as well. Yardwork? It’ll be a breeze if you are in shape. It really can help prepare you for every day tasks and prevent injury while doing them. If you play a specific sport, strength training can also help make you a better athlete.

When building strength, it is important to keep your personal goals in mind. Maybe you want to squat a certain amount of weight, or generally sculpt a fit physique. Your goals don’t have to be specific, but you do want to make sure that every couple weeks you are increasing your weight by a little bit. I recommend increasing somewhere between 5-10% at a time. Be sure to listen to your body, and back off weight if it’s too much. Keep a notepad with you as you workout, and write down how much weight you used for each exercise, along with how many repetitions you were able to do with good form. I personally recommend 10-12 repetitions for each exercise, repeating the exercise for 3 sets. If you aren’t feeling challenged towards the last couple repetitions, you should definitely increase your weight.

Men and women can absolutely lift heavy weights and build strength in the same way. Numerous fitness magazines use the word “tone” when referring to women’s strength training to make it more appealing to women. This is because many women are afraid of weight training. They don’t want to become “bulky” or “too big”. Women don’t have as much testosterone as men, therefore it simply isn’t possible to add mass as easily as men. However, doing repetitions in the higher range of 12-15 repetitions with lighter weight creates longer and leaner muscles, and the lower range of 6-8 repetitions with heavier weight creates bigger muscles. Depending on your age, body type, genetics, current fitness level, what works best for one person may not work best for the other. Try out both methods, and see what works best for you.

I personally aim to work one particular muscle group each day, giving the other muscle groups rest. For example, Mondays I work my back, Tuesday I work shoulders, Wednesday I work legs, Thursday I work biceps and triceps, and Friday I work chest. My goal is to feel a little muscle soreness the next day or two in that area. If you aren’t feeling any muscle soreness at all, that is a sure sign you aren’t lifting heavy enough or aren’t doing enough repetitions.

No matter how you decide to build strength, whether it’s practicing a push-up or a weighted squat, know that each day is forward progress. Even if you don’t see the scale move, it’s okay! When I started incorporating strength training with my cardio regimen, I actually gained 5lbs in 3 months. That would freak out most women. But it’s a good thing! Why? Because I put on muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle also dictates metabolism, and helps increase it. Don’t go by the scale, go by how your clothes fit and how you feel. I promise you, weights are the best way to dramatically change your body. Go for it!

Happy lifting!!


Top 5 best ways to stay on track for a fit summer

How have your new year’s fitness resolutions been going? Do you have a hard time keeping yourself consistent? It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Don’t give up on yourself! Here are my top 5 ways to help you stay on track to reach your fitness goals this summer!

1. Lose it app

This app keeps me accountable for everything I eat. One might say that it is a little excessive to log everything you eat, but think about it. Wouldn’t you be less likely to fall off track if you account for the things you eat? I know I am much less likely to eat that fifth cupcake 😉

2. Never miss a Monday

Habits are essential to success, and Mondays can be hard. But if you make sure you never miss a Monday, it will help you significantly to keep on going. Sure, we are all tired on Mondays. Maybe we had a little ‘too’ much fun this weekend and are paying for it. It’s so easy to say to yourself, “Ah, I’ll just hit the gym tomorrow”. But then that becomes the next day, and the next day, and before you know it you’ve missed an entire week. Don’t let the Monday’s get you down! Take out your frustration on Mondays at the gym!

3. Eat clean, and shop on the outer parts of the grocery store

Ever noticed how you feel better when you eat well? Your skin is clearer, your mood improves, you sleep better, you’re more ‘regular’ in the restroom? I know I sure do. Some cheat meals just ruin the way I feel for the rest of the day, or even the next few days. Eat real foods, and don’t undo all your hard work that you’re putting into the gym. I promise you this: You can not out train your diet. If you have to skip anything, skip the workout over the healthy foods.

4. Have a workout buddy

If I promise a friend I am going to meet them for a run, I’ll be there. It’s that simple. Find someone with a similar goal; it could be your significant other, a coworker, a friend, whatever! Make specific plans to meet at the gym or go to something active together. Maybe sign up for a race and train together. Anything done with a friend will make working out that much more fun!

5. Reward yourself

Don’t completely deprive yourself. Make sure that you still allow yourself room for the little things. Not every day, and not in a large amount. I am definitely not recommending you reward yourself with a big sugary latte every time you leave the gym (refer back to #3). I am saying that you shouldn’t go crazy and not allow yourself to enjoy some guilty pleasures every once in a while. Just don’t let it become a habit, because they are super hard to break!

I hope these tips help you to keep going and stay on track! For daily motivation, find me on Instagram @danisanusifitness!

Happy fitting!



Cory’s peanut butter chocolate yogurt protein snack recipe!

This is a super healthy and delicious snack when you need a a little pick-me-up! My wicked awesome friend Cory told me about this, and I just had to try it! I get snacky, and that can be a dangerous time where I can easily make the wrong food choices. This is sure to help you stay on track and get after those health and fitness goals!


  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 TBSP peanut butter
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
  • Milk of your choice (I prefer almond milk) to add to create desired consistency

Just mix the first 3 ingredients together, and add milk until creating the desired consistency. Enjoy!!

Happy eating!

