5 ways to stay on track for a fit 2016

Is your New Year’s resolution to eat right? Lose weight? Get fit? Run a race? Although January has already come and gone, now is as good a time as any to go for fit! Even if it’s not fitness related, here are 5 great ways to help stick to your resolution and make 2016 a fantastic year of achieving your goals!motivational-fitness-quotes-pictures

1. Keep Track

Keep a calendar so you can check off each day, or a food log, depending on what your goal is. If you’re trying to keep track of what foods you’re eating, use an app (there are tons of free ones out there!). It will help you keep yourself honest and help track your progress! Same thing goes with a calendar: if you are trying to work out 5 times a week, mark off what days you do fit your exercise in and make sure you keep hitting your goals. One day at a time!

2. Have an accountability buddy

Maybe you and a friend have similar goals?! Buddy up and help motivate one another to stay on track  🙂 Everything is way more fun with a friend!

3. Give yourself an off day

The best way to stay on track? To allow yourself to get off track! If you’re working on your diet, allow yourself a cheat meal every once in a while. A meal will not undo all your hard work, I promise you 🙂

inspirational-workout-quotes-swvrmo4x4. Don’t be vague with your goal

Don’t just have your resolution be to “get fit”. Try wording your goal in more measurable terms, such as; I want to lose 10lbs this year. Or I want to reduce my body fat percentage to X%. Just don’t give yourself an unrealistic deadline! Be patient with yourself. You WILL get there.

5. Write it down!

Write down what your actual resolution is, and put it somewhere in your home or a place that might be particularly helpful to see the reminder. Just seeing your writing and remembering what your goal is will help you start and end your day on the right foot!

Remember, whatever your resolution is, make sure that it’s truly something you want for yourself. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Be patient with yourself, and don’t give up. Make 2016 your year!

What is your 2016 resolution? Mine is to eat right, lift weights at least 2 times a week and to work on flexibility!

Happy sweating!



Top 5 best ways to stay on track for a fit summer

How have your new year’s fitness resolutions been going? Do you have a hard time keeping yourself consistent? It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Don’t give up on yourself! Here are my top 5 ways to help you stay on track to reach your fitness goals this summer!

1. Lose it app

This app keeps me accountable for everything I eat. One might say that it is a little excessive to log everything you eat, but think about it. Wouldn’t you be less likely to fall off track if you account for the things you eat? I know I am much less likely to eat that fifth cupcake 😉

2. Never miss a Monday

Habits are essential to success, and Mondays can be hard. But if you make sure you never miss a Monday, it will help you significantly to keep on going. Sure, we are all tired on Mondays. Maybe we had a little ‘too’ much fun this weekend and are paying for it. It’s so easy to say to yourself, “Ah, I’ll just hit the gym tomorrow”. But then that becomes the next day, and the next day, and before you know it you’ve missed an entire week. Don’t let the Monday’s get you down! Take out your frustration on Mondays at the gym!

3. Eat clean, and shop on the outer parts of the grocery store

Ever noticed how you feel better when you eat well? Your skin is clearer, your mood improves, you sleep better, you’re more ‘regular’ in the restroom? I know I sure do. Some cheat meals just ruin the way I feel for the rest of the day, or even the next few days. Eat real foods, and don’t undo all your hard work that you’re putting into the gym. I promise you this: You can not out train your diet. If you have to skip anything, skip the workout over the healthy foods.

4. Have a workout buddy

If I promise a friend I am going to meet them for a run, I’ll be there. It’s that simple. Find someone with a similar goal; it could be your significant other, a coworker, a friend, whatever! Make specific plans to meet at the gym or go to something active together. Maybe sign up for a race and train together. Anything done with a friend will make working out that much more fun!

5. Reward yourself

Don’t completely deprive yourself. Make sure that you still allow yourself room for the little things. Not every day, and not in a large amount. I am definitely not recommending you reward yourself with a big sugary latte every time you leave the gym (refer back to #3). I am saying that you shouldn’t go crazy and not allow yourself to enjoy some guilty pleasures every once in a while. Just don’t let it become a habit, because they are super hard to break!

I hope these tips help you to keep going and stay on track! For daily motivation, find me on Instagram @danisanusifitness!

Happy fitting!



Never give up on your fit self

I want you to believe in yourself as much as I do. I truly think that anything is possible for you. No matter what your goals are, never give up on your dreams. Dreams are what makes life so beautiful. Giving up is the easy thing to do. If your goals pertain to health and fitness, then pretend this post is my personal high-five just for you!

Yes2015/01/img_4203.pngterday my dear friend Lauren sent me this text you see here. She has made fitness goals for 2015, and is doing a fabulous job keeping them. I am so proud of her! However, some days you will have zero motivation to keep working towards that goal. We have all been there. And yesterday was that day for her. I am even more proud of her that she went to the gym anyways. It is so easy to just give up, sit on the couch, and pig out on junk food. One lazy day can easily lead to the next, and before you know it, you’ve gone a month without working out. Even if this post motivates just ONE person to keep going, then I have succeeded in my personal goals. And this text from Lauren is just one example of why never giving up will always be worth it!

i'm glad i didn't workDon’t let a bad day get you down, friend. Some days, we have a bad workout. It’s okay, because the next one will go better. Just keep throwing those sneakers on, and don’t stop. There will be a day where you look back and thank yourself for sticking with it. The only thing holding you back is you. Now go for it!

If you would like me to help guide you through your fitness journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me 🙂 I am happy to help however I can!

Happy sweating!



Digestive cleanse: Why you should do one once a year

Ew, gross. Digestive cleanse? That sounds awful. Fear not, reader! It’s really no biggie. I have a cleanse I’ve been doing for many many years now, and it’s easy and fabulous. Did I mention easy?

First off, allow me to explain why everyone should be doing this cleanse at least once a year, if not twice. Think about all the things you eat over the course of a year. Now think about all the things you drink. And who knows what else you ingest. Are all of these foods clean, chemical-free and healthy? Probably not. When you eat things that aren’t easy for your body to break down and absorb (ie: donuts, etc…), your body needs extra help to clean it all out.2015/01/img_4170.jpg

And now, without further ado…It’s called the NutriClean 7 Day System. Click that link to check it out! Now, I’m not big on the whole product promoting thing unless it’s very high quality and something I really truly love and believe in. And I do, and have used it for many years (a decade!). I literally just finished the cleanse today, and I feel amazing, as I always do afterwards! It uses herbs and botanicals to gently detoxify and cleanse the entire digestive tract and liver.  The system includes a fiber powder and two separate sets of tablets. Take the powder and one set of 2 tablets in the morning, and the other set of tablets before bedtime. That’s all you have to do! You eat healthy and clean, nothing crazy, as you normally would. It is a fabulous way to kick start any health lifestyle change. I strongly encourage everyone to get this awesome cleanse!

Have you ever done a digestive cleanse?

Happy cleansing!




5 ways to stick to your New Year’s resolution!

Is your New Year’s resolution to eat right? Lose weight? Get fit? Run a race? Even if it’s not fitness related, here are 5 great ways to help stick to your resolution and make 2015 a fantastic year of achieving your goals!

1. Keep Track

Keep a calendar so you can check off each day, or a food log, depending on what your goal is. If you’re trying to keep track of what foods you’re eating, use an app (there are tons of free ones out there!). It will help you keep yourself honest and help track your progress! Same thing goes with a calendar: if you are trying to work out 5 times a week, mark off what days you do fit your exercise in and make sure you keep hitting your goals. One day at a time!

2. Have an accountability buddy

Maybe you and a friend have similar goals?! Buddy up and help motivate one another to stay on track  🙂 Everything is way more fun with a friend!

3. Give yourself an off day

The best way to stay on track? To allow yourself to get off track! If you’re working on your diet, allow yourself a cheat meal every once in a while. A meal will not undo all your hard work, I promise you 🙂

4. Don’t be vague with your goal

Don’t just have your resolution be to “get fit”. Try wording your goal in more measurable terms, such as; I want to lose 10lbs this year. Or I want to reduce my body fat percentage to X%. Just don’t give yourself an unrealistic deadline! Be patient with yourself. You WILL get there.

5. Write it down!

Write down what your actual resolution is, and put it somewhere in your home or a place that might be particularly helpful to see the reminder. Just seeing your writing and remembering what your goal is will help you start and end your day on the right foot!

Remember, whatever your resolution is, make sure that it’s truly something you want for yourself. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Be patient with yourself, and don’t give up. Make 2015 your year!

What is your 2015 resolution? Mine is to eat right, run a PR half marathon and to work on my Yoga arm balances and inversions! (THERE, it’s out there! It’s also written on the 2015 goals bulletin board at my gym for all to see…eek!)

Happy sweating!

