Total body Tabata!

 Who’s up for a total body Tabata workout!? 🙋 We did this last week, it was awesome! Do the first exercise 8 times for 20 seconds each, rest for 10 seconds, then move onto next exercise 🔥😅

1. Tricep dips with a plate

2. Stagger bicep curls & stagger squats (keep chest lifted)

3. Tricep push-ups (keep those elbows in along the ribs)

4. Cross bicep curls & lunge (make sure you have balance before curling)

5. Overhead tricep press (keep those elbows in) & squat

6. Straight leg bicycles (exhale as you twist)

7. Hammer curls & squat (keep chest lifted)

8. Swimmer abs

Happy sweating!



Tabata Tuesday!

We did this last month in class, it was killer!!! Try it yourself if you dare! Watch the video a few times for form 🙂

  • What is Tabata? 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. It’s high intensity interval training at its finest!!
    This video has 8 exercises. Do the first exercise for 8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, then rest 1 minute and move onto the second exercise for 8 sets…etc until you complete all 8 exercises for 8 sets each!
  • Don’t forget to switch arms or legs! I used 15lb dumbells, but make sure you can keep the form otherwise drop the weight. Whew!!
  • Be sure to warm up before and properly cool down and stretch afterwards.IMG_5095

Happy sweating!



Last week’s killer total body tabata workout video!

We did this last week in class, it was killer!!! Try it yourself if you dare! Watch the video a few times for form 💪👊
👉What is Tabata? 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. It’s high intensity interval training at its finest!!
👉This video has 8 exercises. Do the first exercise for 8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, then rest 1 minute and move onto the second exercise for 8 sets…etc until you complete all 8 exercises for 8 sets each! Don’t forget to switch arms or legs! I used 15lb dumbells, but make sure you can keep the form otherwise drop the weight. Whew!!
👉Be sure to waTabata Recaprm up before and properly cool down and stretch afterwards.

Happy sweating!



A whole lotta Tabata workout – Shamrock style!

Want a kick butt total body workout?? Look no further! What is Tabata you ask? Tabata is 20 seconds of active work followed by 10 seconds of rest. It is a phenomenal high intensity interval training workout!

Watch the video a few times for form 💪👊 You can find a clearer version on my Instagram: @danisanusifitness
👉This video has 8 exercises. Do the first exercise for 8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, then rest 1 minute and move onto the second exercise for 8 sets…etc until you complete all 8 exercises for 8 sets each! Don’t forget to switch arms or legs! I used 15lb dumbells in the video, but make sure you can keep the form otherwise drop the weight. For the overhead presses, feel free to add a squat as well – we sure did in class! Pick a weight that works best for you, and as always modify and listen to your body. Whew!!
👉Be sure to warm up before and properly cool down and stretch afterwards.


Happy sweating!



P.S. I am happy to explain the exercises in more detail, feel free to comment below for clarification 🙂

Today’s Holiday Tabata class workout plan!

Today I taught a holiday themed Tabata class! Check out the layout of what we did! It kicked our butts, and I know it will kick yours too 🙂

My Tabata class workout plan
My Tabata class workout plan

Tabata is 20 seconds of active work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  We repeated each exercise 8 rounds before moving onto the next listed exercise. It is a phenomenal high intensity interval training workout. We used a 10 lb weight for the “Row the lawns” and a 7 lb weight for the extension side lunges. Pick a weight that works best for you, and as always modify and listen to your body. Enjoy this before you change into those Christmas pajamas 🙂 Wishing you a very merry everything!

P.S. I am happy to explain the exercises in more detail, feel free to comment below for clarification or demo by yours truly.

Happy Sweating!

